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Secure, Control and Manage All Devices Connected to your Network Instantly

Our IoT Connectivity Management solutions give you the power to manage the connectivity and usage of all your organisation’s mobile devices from one central location. Giving you full control over how these devices interact with and utilise your mobile data, from enforcing security protocols and data management to tracking and monitoring these company assets.

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Manage Mobile Assets and Network Connectivity with Ease and in Real-Time

Our innovative IoT solutions facilitate workforce mobility by safely and securely providing users with access to company networks and business information while they are working remotely. This solution also allows you to track and monitor company devices being used remotely, in real-time. Not only does this give you an overview of asset usage, but it also enables you to track productivity and employee movement.

Provide Safe and Secure Access to Business Networks

Use our IoT solution to provide employees with access to business networks and important application portals remotely, at any time and from anywhere, both nationally and internationally.

Reduce Unnecessary Costs

Connect your organisation’s mobile devices to your company network through our IoT solution and reduce unnecessary expenses by tracking private and company use.

Track, Manage and Control Company Assets in Real-Time

Our IoT solution allows clients to access the status, location, maintenance/upgrade schedules and other pertinent information of all listed assets in real-time. All done through an easy to use highly customisable user interface.

Provision all Company SIMs from a Central Point

In the case of a loss or theft of a company device, using our IoT solution, you will be able to register, provision or lock the SIM remotely through a centralised easy to use customisable web-based interface.

Internet of Things Solutions

APN-as-a-Service/Data Connectivity Management

Increase Customer Growth Through APN-as-a-Service Connectivity Management.


Device/Asset Log Management

Gain full visibility and control of your IT ecosystem in one consolidated place.


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Support your high-value corporate customers with a highly customisable and easy to use self-service solution.


Provide additional products to corporate clients, offer new revenue streams, and reduce client churn

Explore the intricate details of Adapt IT’s APN-as-a-Service and how it enables IoT connectivity, enhance network security, and facilitates the effective management of an organisation’s IoT ecosystem.

Trusted By Leading Brands Around The World

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