Social Good for Africa Hackathon


Are you keen to code to create a better future for Africa?

Exciting news from Adapt IT Telecoms and Adapt IT Education: Hackathon 2024 is on the horizon! Join us on a transformative journey as we prepare to shape the future of the continent through coding.

The Hackathon is your golden opportunity to collaborate with industry experts, tackle pressing social challenges, and channel your innovation through the power of Code and Epic Brain Matter. Together, we’ll immerse ourselves in real problems, explore cutting-edge solutions, and strive to make a lasting impact.

Calling all developers – gear up to pave the way for a better tomorrow! Stay tuned for details and get ready to make your mark.

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Stay Tuned For Further Information

Participants stand a chance to be selected for Grad-programmes and Full-time Employment.

Previous Hackathon

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