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Business Intelligence


Building Resilient Telco Systems: Ensuring Seamless Deployments

Navigating peak usage times poses several challenges for Telcos striving to maintain seamless deployment of network infrastructure and services. In the blog below, we unpack the challenges related to deployments during peak usage times and explore the various strategies that Telcos can employ to optimise performance, ensure reliability, and uphold customer satisfaction and experience during […]

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Business intelligence

The Importance of Business Intelligence in the Telecommunication Industry

Business Intelligence (BI) technology plays an important role in providing Telcos with relevant analytics that can be used to make data-driven decisions that improve the business and its overall competitiveness. Below we examine how BI is used in the telecommunications industry and what benefits this technology provides Telcos. Overview of Business Intelligence To understand the

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The Impact 5G will have on Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has been one of the biggest enablers of digital transformation, specifically for the enterprise. This technology offers on-demand self-service, scalability, broad network access as well as enhanced security, which are a few of the reasons why businesses are making this migration. 5G is set to build on these benefits and add even more

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5G and The Impact on Business

5G is set to transform enterprise and business models in the coming years by providing opportunities for enhanced connectivity that drives growth across industries and economies.  The 5G network brings with it greater transmission speeds, lower latency, amplified capacity for remote execution, an increase in the number of devices that can connect as well as

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Equipping Africa’s Next-Gen of AI Entrepreneurs

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a distant dream for Africa – it’s a reality brimming with potential. Across the continent, young entrepreneurs are harnessing AI to tackle challenges unique to their communities, such as education, healthcare, and economic inequality. These trailblazers are not only solving pressing local issues but also carving out a place

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The Impact of High Performance Computing (HPC)

Today’s modern world is data-driven, especially where business is concerned. Many businesses are turning to insights, deep learning, and data to make informed decisions, analyse risk, and identify opportunities for improvement or to create new revenue streams. But what makes this possible? The answer lies in High Performance Computing technology which allows for efficient and

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serverless computing

Serverless Computing: Improve server management and functionality

In recent years several innovative technologies have been developed, especially where enterprise IT is concerned. This is largely a result of changing business needs, enhanced connectivity, and a demand for more efficient processes and operations that drive business productivity and growth. One such innovation is serverless computing. This on-demand computing platform takes away the complexity

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mvno trends

MVNO Trends 2020: Market Growth

Digital transformation is the buzzword currently on everyone’s mind. The move towards digital has created a shift in how businesses need to operate, and Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO) are no different. This shift has resulted in significant growth in the market, which has had a knock-on effect that is driving innovation and transformation in

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elt process

ETL Process: How to Ensure Efficiency and Effectiveness

ETL is short for “Extract, Transform and Load” and is essential to the effectiveness of business intelligence (BI) processes and systems. The ETL process allows for the collection and processing of data from different sources in one place. This data is then analysed to provide insight into business performance, highlight opportunities for improvement and facilitate

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African Telecommunication world map

Why Your MNO Won’t Survive In Africa

The first ever phone call was made about 140 years ago. We have come a long way since then. By the dawn of the 21st century, a mobile dimension in the telecom service had taken centre stage.  Mobile telephony subsequently birthed a sub-industry in the telecommunication value chain; the Mobile Network Operators (MNOs). This sector

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